Monday, May 21, 2012

"Your Camera is a Passport"

The group enjoyed an excellent presentation today. Timothy Fadek, an American photographer who moved from New York City to Berlin nine months ago, talked to the us about his international work. Using images from Libya, Syria, Mongolia and elsewhere, Tim explained the ins and outs of making it as a freelance photojournalist and how he copes with despair and danger on the road. Have patience, he explained, at letting the best image emerge from many. Spend time with your subjects, he suggested, because doors will open if subjects like you. Do your job of shooting photos, he clarified, when chaos reigns and victims are suffering, if help is around for them. But if it's just you, put your camera down and be a human being who can help. Tim leaves Berlin Tuesday for Greece, where he will document declining economic conditions. To see his fantastic portfolo, which includes the Haiti earthquake and 9/11 in NYC, visit Highly recommended.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like he was a great speaker and inspiring. Enjoy your travels -- Zerba
